All the tortures and miseries of the world will pass over without hurting us, and we shall come out of the flames like Prahlada, so long as we hold on to this grandest of all our inheritances, spirituality. If a Hindu is not spiritual, I do not call him a Hindu. - Swami Vivekananda


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Why a Hindu should be proud of himself

To my mind that is the argument why our religion is truer than any other religion, because it never conquered, because it never shed blood, because its mouth always shed on all words of blessing, of peace, words of love and sympathy. It is here and here alone that the ideals of toleration were first preached; and it is here and here alone that toleration and sympathy have become practical; it is theoretical in every country; it is here and here alone, that the Hindus build mosques for the Mohammedans and churches for the Christians.

The debt which the world owes to our Motherland is immense. Taking country with country, there is not one race on this earth to which the world owes so much as to the patient Hindu, the mild Hindu.

There is not a country possessing a good ethical code but has borrowed something of it from us, and there is not one religion possessing good ideas of the immortality of the soul but has derived it directly or indirectly from us.

The one characteristic of Indian thought is its silence, its calmness. At the same time the tremendous power that is behind it is never expressed by violence.

-Swami Vivekananda


ybr (alias ybrao a donkey) said...


Ashok said...

Good work by you. Great men don't have consistency . There is bound to be contradictions in their own statements. It is difficult to understand a person of such high calibre. My respects to him have not diminished even a little, but happy to read the other side. Are there blogspots about other personalities and their other side? Say Gandhiji?

JP said...

Nice Blog Ashok.

Well and done and keep it up.

Prashant Jalasutram